Typographical Conventions

This document uses the following typographical conventions:

Typographical Conventions




Text enclosed by a single quotation mark ('...')

Indicates Web interface parameters.

From the 'Debug Level' drop-down list, select Basic.

Boldface font

Indicates one of the following Web-based management interface elements:

A button
A selectable value
The navigational path to a Web page

Click the Add button.

Text enclosed by double quotation marks ("...")

Indicates values that you need to enter (type) in the Web interface.

In the 'IP Address' field, enter "".

Courier font

Indicates CLI commands or ini-based file configuration.

At the CLI prompt, type the following:

# configure system

Text enclosed by square brackets [...]

Indicates ini file parameters and values.

Configure the [GWDebugLevel] parameter to [1].

Indicates a note bulletin providing important or useful information.


Indicates a warning bulletin alerting you to potentially serious problems if a specific action is not taken.
